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A Profound Mirror Reflecting The Essence Of Human Resilience: Of White Ashes


At times, the true uniqueness of a family’s history comes into focus through the eyes of an outsider. In the intricate tapestry of Kent’s family, it was Constance Hays Matsumoto who assumed this role.

Kent’s mother navigated her formative teenage years confined within the WWII-era Japanese American camps in Arkansas and California. Meanwhile, his father stood as a living testament to the horrors of Hiroshima’s aftermath, all while holding onto his American citizenship. These disparate but intertwined experiences were marked by suffering and survival, a duet of endurance amid the ravages of war imposed by their own country. Their shared pursuit: the American dream, a beacon guiding their aspirations and guiding their children toward the same future.

In a powerful collaboration, Constance Hayes Matsumoto and Kent Matsumoto have scripted a narrative rooted in reality, titled ”Of White Ashes.” Their tale spans continents and cultures, casting light upon the lives of ordinary individuals who faced seemingly insurmountable adversity with unwavering dignity and an enduring patience. Through their journey, these experiences serve as a profound mirror reflecting the essence of human resilience and the sobering potential for history to echo its past mistakes.

The narrative is catalyzed by the earth-shattering events of Pearl Harbor, thrusting America into World War II and hurtling two Japanese Americans into the abyss of chaos. Stranded on opposite sides of the Pacific, their odysseys unfold on treacherous roads towards surviving a tumultuous childhood and chasing the elusive American dream. Ruby Ishimaru, uprooted from her Hawaiian home, becomes a captive of Japanese American incarceration camps on the mainland. Meanwhile, Koji Matsuo, ensnared by the ominous specter of the Japanese war machine and the atomic devastation of Hiroshima, guards a perilous secret—one that jeopardizes the safety of his kin.

Serendipity intertwines Ruby and Koji’s paths in California, igniting a magnetic chemistry between them. Yet, the scars of trauma cut deep, casting shadows over their love, potentially becoming yet another casualty of war.

Bearing the weight of their own family’s history, “Of White Ashes” rises as a tribute to resilience and an exploration of the past echoing into the present. This work is not simply a story, but an emblematic journey that evokes contemplation on the enduring strength of humanity and the urgent reminder of history’s capacity to repeat itself.

Buy the book here.

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