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The Story Of WGN TV's Jeff Hoover


Jeff Hoover has made a living at making people laugh. A native of St. Joseph, Michigan, Hoover has nestled a place for himself in Chicago Broadcasting history. A product of the determination, and perseverance of his parents back in Michigan, Hoover’s pathway has been one trailblazing turn after another that landed at the doorstep of number 1, at the ol’ number 9.

What do I mean by number 1?

The Jonathan Brandmeier was a radio juggernaut, #1 in Chicago, and a following that was beyond the windy city. A simple phone call, a great Jerry Lewis impression, and Hoover was a radio star in Chicago on the “Johnny B” show.

It’s not usually for a radio star to end up in television, (there’s another WGN morning show member that is the reigning Queen of The South Side, but that’s another story) but Hoover is the exception to that rule. His career in Chicago radio and television has suppressed the 20-year mark, a feat that is harder and harder to accomplish in the constantly changing industry.

Hoover’s comedic timing, or in some cases he might say divine intervention landed him a per diem role on the WGN Morning News and that’s where he’s been ever since. (Yes, using that Jerry Lewis charm and comic wit)

In his 20 years at WGN, Hoover has been part of the blood that pumps the heart of the WGN Morning News, from his “Brad The Robot,” to the ever-famous Wink Winkle, Hoover is the embodiment of the WGN. His brand of weird, goofy, and leave-it-all-out-on-the-table kind of personality is why so many appreciate him. It feels like you know Hoover, he’s just that kind of guy.

I was extremely fortunate to spend 10 years sitting next to him, laughing, cringing, complaining, farting (sorry, Tyra) more laughing and creating. For those of us who have worked at WGN at any point in our career, we all know how special it is.

The misconception might be that magic lies within the bricks, carpets, and awards down the bozo-colored hallways or studios 1, 2, and 3.

That’s not it…

It’s the creative space to be yourself, to let your freak flag fly and you find the people that make you feel whole. That’s the magic of WGN TV, the culture for over 20 years to be true to yourself, to our show, and to the city of Chicago. If not, people will see right through your bullshit.

The WGN Morning News became a thing of its own, so unique that countless television stations have tried to copy it. (Failed, miserably) Despite all the CEOs, owners that can’t get out of their own way, and little to no budget, WGN Morning News remains true to itself. That is what Mr. Hoover embodies in every bit he does.

I’ve seen it with my own eyes, tormenting himself to make sure a joke lands or pushing the line just that ever so slightly inch forward…and it was an honor to see the mad scientist working in his lavatory. I watched with envy and awe and I learned a hell of a lot about myself and putting myself “out there.”

Hoover taught me that. I hoped I’ve paid it forward and done the same to someone else because that is what we do at WGN, we pay it forward by being true to who we are, and that my friends is as Chicago as it gets.

To quote another deskmate in the Segment Producer’s office, (Miss Tyra Martin) we constantly “turn 2 dollars into 5,” and did it better than any show in the world. Tyra’s wisdom, Jeff’s humor, and the rest of us just being who we are is what makes that “WGN” magic.

I hope it stays that way forever, it was my absolute favorite time in my professional life. It was an honor to call Jeff Hoover a co-worker and a privilege to call him my friend.

Jeffery, you are truly one of Chicago’s Very Own.

Follow Jeff on his IG @jeffhooverwgn and Facebook.

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